We’ve come to the end of another busy and exciting week of learning! This week, we placed a special focus on our anti-bullying policy and the importance of respecting everyone around us.
One of the highlights was our Secret Friend activity, whe
re each child was assigned a secret friend to be extra kind to throughout the week. At the end of the week, we had great fun guessing who our secret friends were!
We also celebrated Funky Sock Day, with children proudly sporting mismatched or brightly coloured socks. This fun activity reminded us all that it’s okay to be different and to celebrate our uniqueness.
Throughout the week, we engaged in creative projects like making paper dolls and participated in special presentations, all centred around kindness and respect.
Another special moment was a visit from a local rabbi who shared the meaning and importance of Shabbat with us. Each class had the chance to learn about this meaningful tradition, making it a truly enriching experience.
What a fantastic week it has been! We are so proud of the children for embracing these important values and making our classroom a kinder and more respectful place.