Mock SATs
Last week, the children had a taste of what their SATs will feel like, and undertook four days of Mock SATs. We are all proud of the resilience, determination and maturity shown by the children as they completed English and maths tests and sat sensibly in exam conditions.
Art as Activism
In Art lessons, Year 6 have explored what the term ‘activism’ means, the different ways in which people can be activists, and some of the messages people want to get across to the public. They then decided upon an area they were passionate about with ideas including animal welfare, deforestation and physical and mental health. Afterwards, the children designed posters to illustrate the point they wanted to make.
Writing Workshop
Last Friday, the children had a special treat to have one of our Year 6 parents, Mrs Sparrow, kindly visited us to share her knowledge as a published author and give a writing workshop.
Homework and CGP Packs
Both packs will be sent home by the end of the week. Pack 1 is partially completed (the mark schemes for this had been taken home previously) and Pack 2 has been left untouched for the children to use as they best see fit. The children are welcome to complete the tests however, and in whatever order they like. They then may wish to show us their completed papers in the new Summer Term to address any questions they may have.
As a result of distributing the packs, we will not be setting any spelling and maths homework over the holiday.
Have a lovely Easter Holiday!
The Year 6 Team