Year 6 have been working hard this week learning how to be independent learners. In Science, the children posed their own questions based around exercise and heart rate. They worked in groups or independently to carry out their investigations and to write up their findings along with their conclusions. To start our new maths unit on angles, the children – again working collaboratively in small groups – wrote down all they already knew about angles on a number of sheets. It was a great way to refresh our learning in an active and engaging way. In D&T, the children have been learning how to crochet granny squares and despite the challenging stitches and pattern, they showed great determination managing to make a start on a square each. Finally, the week came to a close with our exciting NSCPCC Number Day where the children selected an art activity based on an artist that has used maths as an inspiration in their work. We looked at Mondrian, Kandinsky and Klee to name just a few. Another busy but rewarding week in Year 6,