We hope you all had a lovely, relaxing Half Term holiday!
We have started our new topics for this Half Term. The children are keen to learn more about ‘Plague, Pox and Antibiotics’ in our History topic, and in Science we will dive into the exciting world of Classification. In English, the children are excited to create and describe their own creature that would fit in the Spiderwick Chronicles universe, and in Maths, the children have learned different methods for solving calculations mentally.
Just a few reminders:
- Please can everyone remember to bring their PE kits in on a Monday morning, and take them home to wash on Friday afternoon. As the weather has turned cold, children will need dark jogging bottoms and a sweater without a hood.
- All children are expected to read for 20 minutes every night and have Reading Records signed by an adult at home at least once a week. School reading books should be changed weekly.
Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Smith and Mrs Noonan