This week in RE we learned about the meaning of the Holy Spirit. The children were captivated by the Good News that Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to his friends and to us. Through engaging discussions and activities, the children explored how the Holy Spirit impacts their everyday lives. The children shared their personal experiences with the Holy Spirit. They expressed how the Holy Spirit assists them in moments of sportsmanship on the football field and in their efforts to nurture the environment by planting seeds. Additionally, the children actively contribute to the classroom environment by tidying up, preparing for lessons, and taking care of our equipment, all while recognizing the constant presence of the Holy Spirit in their lives.
On Friday, we delved further into the narrative of Jesus’ return to his Father in heaven, and the anticipation of the disciples for the coming of the Holy Spirit. In our second RE lesson, we explored a painting of Jesus’ ascension into heaven by the talented artist Jacopo di Cione, and the children expressed their creativity by creating their own depictions of this significant event.
In addition to our exploration of the Holy Spirit, we embarked on a new PSHE topic entitled ‘Let the Children Come.’ Throughout the week, we immersed ourselves in the Gospel story of Jesus warmly welcoming little children to Him, despite others attempting to keep them at bay. The year 2 children learned the importance of talking to God and treating Him as their dearest friend. It was inspiring to see some of the children choosing this topic as the theme for their collective worship, where they prayed for children across the globe thinking of children everywhere in different situations.
It’s lovely to witness the children embracing our school values of faith, friendship, and unity. ,