Our Florence Nightingale immersive day, provided by History Off the Page, was so exciting and such an educational experience!
Through engaging activities and interactive storytelling, the children were introduced to the remarkable life and achievements of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing. They learned about her dedication to improving healthcare and how her work still impacts us today.
The workshop included hands-on activities like role-playing as nurses, creating “Nightingale lanterns” to symbolise her contributions to night-time care, and exploring how hospitals have evolved since her time. The children also learned about hygiene, compassion, and the importance of helping others.
By the end of the session, the students not only understood Florence’s legacy but were inspired by her kindness, determination, and courage.
This day was a fun and memorable way to introduce our pupils to the History of Healthcare.
Next week, we shall be learning about Mary Seacole, who was another pioneering woman in history, who made a positive impact on healthcare.