We have absolutely loved our new PE equipment, the DRUMBA exercise drums.
Both Year 1 classes loved the routines and followed the instructions so well. Apart from getting fit, the DRUMBA exercise routines teaches hand/eye coordination as well as counting and rhythm skills. A quote from a Year 1 pupil, “That was the best PE lesson EVER!!!” We thank the PTA for purchasing the DRUMBA set for us.
We have been very busy starting our new focus book in English, Meerkat Mail. The children have blown me away by their excellent writing this week.
In Maths we have been identifying ‘teen’ numbers and also recognising odd and even numbers. Do ask your child how they can identify whether a number is odd or even. We have also identified and described 2D shapes. We then created pictures using 2D shapes.
We wish all our families a happy and peaceful weekend. We look forward to sharing more of our learning at our Curriculum Assembly next Friday at 9:05am.