Welcome back Year 1!
We have dived straight into the Spring 2 term with a new focus story, ‘How To Wash A Woolly Mammoth’. This story gives step-by-step instructions on how to wash a woolly mammoth. On Tuesday, we listened to and followed instructions. In partners, we acted out different instructions, one child being the little girl and the other being the mammoth.
Later in the week, we followed very clear instructions in order to try and draw a picture. First, we did it all together on our whiteboards, before splitting into partners to try on our own. One child read the instructions, whilst the other followed and drew the picture.
On the theme of instructions, we also learnt about algorithms in Computing. We now know that algorithms are instructions, but for computers. In order to follow an algorithm, we first had to become robots. We then had to listen carefully to every instruction, in order to not encounter a computer ‘bug’. We learnt that some algorithms are very clear, where as some can have random results. To test this, we got into pairs and completed a task. One of us was the programmer, rolling the dice and programming the result. The other was the robot, following the instruction and producing the outcome. Every outcome was different, which showed us that if we want a clear outcome from a computer, the commands need to be very specific and correctly sequenced. Here are some examples of the crazy results we have from the dice rolling algorithm.
In RE, we have been learning about the Last Supper. We have discussed what makes a meal special and what our own experiences of special meals were. We had our own special meal in class, where we shared some popcorn, a biscuit and juice. We each wrote a word to describe how it felt to share this special meal together.