Wow! What an AMAZING Science Week we’ve had in Reception! We’ve been busy exploring, discovering, and learning so many exciting things.
One of the most exciting parts of the week was when we saw real animals in the school hall! We met some incredible creatures up close — there were fluffy rabbits, slithery snakes, and even 2 geckos! We learned about their homes, what they eat, and how to take care of them. It was so much fun!
We also went on a minibeast hunt in the school garden. We put on our explorer hats and looked carefully under logs, in the grass, and around the bushes. We found wiggly worms, busy beetles, and speedy spiders. Everyone was so gentle and respectful to our tiny garden friends.
After our hunt, we made wonderful minibeast hotels! We used sticks, leaves, and stones to create cosy homes for the bugs. We can’t wait to see which minibeasts come to visit!
We also learned about the amazing Sir David Attenborough. He teaches people all over the world about animals and nature. We watched videos of him talking about wild animals and learned how important it is to take care of our planet.
Science Week has been full of fun and wonder — we can’t wait for the next one!