What a half term with so much lovely music! It’s been fantastic to be able to be together in the hall for singing assemblies again – the children sound so beautiful when they are singing together. Luella even learnt one of songs we have been learning in singing assembly on her guitar and played it in front of her class. Fabulous work Luella!
Our Reception class have been learning about pitch and duration in their music. This week, we used coloured scarves to move to the music. It was so much fun!
Our Y4 children have been learning about Jazz music. They have been working as ‘bands’ to work out an accompaniment to the song ‘I got you’ by James Brown. Not only have they enjoyed playing instruments, but there have been some amazing dance moves too!
Y1 have been working on composing a piece called ‘Our School’ based on ‘No place like home’ by a composer called Kerry Andrew. It’s just in production at the moment – listen out for it after half term!