All the children in Year 4 have settled back in well after the Christmas holidays and have been working hard!
In Science, we started a new topic all about sound. We investigated how different instruments make sounds and noticed that sounds are produced when a sound source vibrates. When we banged a drum, we saw that the vibrations caused grains of rice to jump about. When we hit the cymbal and touched it, we could feel the metal vibrating. The rubber band strings on a cardboard guitar were also vibrating when the sound was produced.
This week, we have been learning about the ‘Peace and Solidarity’ aspect of our Catholic Social Teaching. We created posters to promote peace and solidarity in our school, community and wider world.
We also celebrated Epiphany this week at school. We thought about the gifts that the wise men brought to Jesus and what the gifts symbolised. Gold showed that Jesus was a king, Frankincense showed that he was God’s son and myrrh showed that he was human. We created some lovely artwork depicting the visit of the wise men.
The children in Year 4 have also started to prepare for their curriculum assembly, which will be on Friday 19th January. We hope that parents will be able to come along to join us for this lovely celebration of the children’s work.