Welcome back Year 2. We hope you all had a wonderful holiday, we have enjoyed hearing all about the Easter Holidays in the children’s recounts.This term we are going to be learning about Sharks in our English lessons and we will be researching and creating our own reports. Hopefully we will become shark experts by the end of term. The children have lots of questions that they would like to explore.
Learning all about sharks links perfectly with our Geography topic this term as we are learning all about the oceans. We have learned many interesting facts so far. In our art lesson we examined shells and looked at the different textures and patterns. The children made some excellent sketches. We also watched a very fascinating David Attenborough video where we learned why and how crabs change their shells.
In science we started our new topic ‘Young Gardeners’. The children took some beautiful pictures of plants and flowers growing in our school grounds. They even printed them and stuck them in their books. We learned the names of lots of different flowers. We are looking forward to another exciting term ahead and hopefully some beautiful sunshine.