We were so excited to welcome the Nursery children back to school this week!! We began the week by sharing all the amazing things we have been up to during the Easter Holidays. This half term, our new topic is ‘Down In The Garden’. We are going to be learning all about minibeasts, flowers, growing, life-cycles and any interests the children share.
We have been taking advantage of the beautiful weather this week and the children have been enjoying a range of activities in the outdoor area. The children are particularly enjoying the mud kitchen and are whipping up all sorts of recipes. The water area has also been very popular in the hot weather. The children have been using the outdoor creative corner and creating lots of lovely drawings and paintings. They have also painted some banners for our RE area for our Topic ‘Good News’ the children have been sharing all their good news with us too!
This first story we are focusing on for this term is ‘The Tiny Seed’. The children learned about the life cycle of the plant through its journey from its parent plant. We are really looking forward to learning more about it when we start preparing our Early Years Garden and grow some flowers of our own. The children made their own window garden inside this week by drawing and coloring things that they would find in the garden.
We have a very exciting role play area for this term ‘A spaceship’ . The children are very fascinated with this topic so they are having a wonderful time imagining they are astronauts going to space. The rocket has blast off into space many times this week!! There has been lots of team work to get it there and back safely pressing all the right buttons and checking the systems on the laptop! We can’t wait to explore it even more throughout this term.
We have also been revising our phonics sounds this week SATPIN and we are going to start blending them together to make some words over the next few weeks. They have been practicing writing the letters with chalk and in the sand. The children have also been using their new self register where they are matching their name to the the correct letter of the alphabet so they can familiarize themselves with it each day.
It is going to be a jam packed and exciting term ahead! We can’t wait to explore this new topic and we are looking forward to spending lots of time outside and hopefully enjoying some more lovely weather in the weeks ahead.
Just a reminder that as it is getting warmer and the children are taking off their jumpers and wearing caps etc., can you please ensure every item of clothing is clearly labelled so that we can be sure they are taking home the correct uniform. The children may wear black shorts for the summer months but please ensure your child is in correct unform and wearing black shoes as per the uniform policy.