This week we have been learning about elephants. We have been using our Phonics knowledge to label the different parts of the elephant’s bodies and we have learnt how they move and how they use their trunks to collect food and water. We have also been using water colours to carefully paint patterns on Elmer’s friends, so that they can be colourful too! The children successfully used very fine paintbrushes and carefully painted in-between the lines to create beautiful creations.
In PSHE, we played a game called ‘Jailer and the Thief’, where a child is blindfolded and another classmate has to try and take the keys without the ‘Jailer’ realising. The moral of the lesson was to discuss how it is wrong to take things that belong to other people. We reminded ourselves of the school rules and why it is important to follow them inside and outside of school.
This week, we have also been taking a closer look at Elmer and learning facts about elephants. As a class, we have been labelling an Elephant and some children have extended this into their CIL. Next week, we shall all be labelling our own elephant watercolour pictures and creating our own Elmer, using coloured tissue paper and milk bottles. Thank you if you have already supplied a milk bottle, but please collect them this weekend and bring them in on Monday.
In Maths we have been looking at one more and one less. The children have been using objects to count on and back and some have been writing the answers as numerals.
We have continued to look at Baptism this week and celebrating the importance of belonging to a family. Thank you to all those families that have already uploaded a Baptism photograph, the children love sharing them. If you have not done so already, please upload a Baptism photograph of your child this weekend.
With kind regards,
The EYFS Team.