Week 4 has been unbelievably busy in Reception and the children have been working very hard in all areas of learning. As part of our topic ‘Marvellous Me’, the children have continued to think carefully about what makes them so special and unique. The children have expressed their unique creativity by making a self-portrait of themselves, looking carefully in the mirror and a picture of half their face. To accompany these lovely drawings, the children have also written their names and thought about what they would like to be when they grow up.
In maths this week, we have been learning all about matching objects to a particular number, as well as exploring the different ways to represent numbers up to 6. The children have been using Numicon, dice, dominos and playing cards to see different ways that numbers can be represented. The children had lots of fun playing Maths games, where they had to roll the dice and then find the appropriate resource to match the number! Some children have extended their learning during CIL, by building impressive unifix towers. Some children have also been doing fantastic mathematical learning at home, by creating Numberblocks characters from PlayDoh.
Also this week, the children have been learning and solidifying their knowledge of the sounds SATP. In phonics we have been learning how to use our robot arms to read words and some children were very keen to practise their writing afterwards during CIL.