On Thursday 5A and 5H went to their new teachers in the Year 6 classrooms and we all tried to get used to our new class names! The children received a letter from their new teacher and wrote one back. I just about managed not to cry at the lovely things that I read in all the letters from Lime class, and with Mr Hegarty I can say that we are very excited to be working with a fantastic group of children.
We spoke about the Year 6 curriculum, outlining the exciting things we will be learning about in Year 6, in Science and in Humanities, as well as the wonderful trips that are planned. Finally, after our Singing Assembly, we created a design that will inspire some really colourful artwork to go into the hall, to represent our Mission Statement and values. It will be a stunning display if the children’s work is anything to go by!
We wish you all a relaxing weekend and look forward to spending our last week in Year 5 with you.