We’ve have had a busy start to a new Spring Term. The week began by learning all about the meaning of Lent. The children made their Lenten promises where they thought of things that they could give up and also things that they can do for others. We then enjoyed a beautiful Ash Wednesday Liturgy where the children received ashes on their forehead to mark the beginning of Lent.
We have also been learning about time this week in Year 2. The children made their very own clocks which they have been using to understand o’clock, half past, quarter part, quarter to and even five minute intervals.
On Friday, we had the pleasure of working with our Environmental Tutor, Miss Sophia. She taught us all about how to make compost and how to grow our own sunflowers and beans. The children planted their own seeds to take care of at home.
The 22nd February was world thinking day which is an important day in the Girl Guides and Scouts calendar. To mark the day, the children were invited to come in wearing their brownie uniform.