The past couple of weeks in Year 5, we have all been working on something really exciting in Art and Design. We have been looking at the artist Alice Kettle and how she uses a mixture of painting and sewing to create her own mixed media pieces. Using Alice’s work for inspiration, we then set off to create our own landscape mix media pieces. Following our trip to London, we decided to use different famous landscapes from London. First, we sketched out our chosen designs onto Calico and painted on top. Then, using our sewing skills learnt in Year 4, we sewed in the details. Both teachers are really impressed with how all of them have turned out. Well done year 5!
This week, we also had the opportunity to watch the year 6’s dress rehearsal, which was fabulous! Well done Year 6 and good luck for the rest of your performances!
Hope you have a great weekend!
Miss McNicholas & Ms Noonan