This week, Year 5 have been using both practical resources and bar modelling to represent simple scaling problems. Some children found this to be very helpful when moving on to solve problems involving fractions and they were even able to write questions for their classmates to solve, some of which were quite tricky.
In English, we are enjoying reading our class novel, The London Eye Mystery. It has given us opportunities to explore the use of idioms, sharing some phrases that we all hear at home or in school. We also spent some time dramatising the story to help understand the different characters perspectives.
In Computing we have been learning about animation and this week explored how stop-motion animation is created. The children had an opportunity to experiment with plasticine, using it to create short silent films. Some children challenged themselves further by making simple animals or characters to film.
Year 5 have been learning about Rivers this half-term and spent some time this week researching the River Thames. They were shocked to dis
cover that the river was declared dead at one point and have spent time understanding why this happened and what was done about it.
In RE, we have been focusing on transformation ahead of Pentecost Sunday. We wrote recipes for change using the Fruits of the Holy Spirit as our ingredients and looked at some more recent examples of people whose lives had been transformed by the Holy Spirit for the better such as George Foreman and Joni Ereckson.