As we start the final half term in Nursery we have been busy following the children’s interests. The children have been using lots of media for baking such as sand, mud and play dough so we had a go at making our own cakes! In groups the children mixed the ingredients and put them in the oven to watch them rise. Once they were cool, there was lots of fabulous decorating and they tasted delicious!
The children also have been keen on Ninja Turtles this week so we have been making masks to help with our role play. Some fantastic cutting skills going on!
We always learn a new Nursery Rhyme each week in Nursery and this week we have been learning ‘A sailor went to sea’. The children were SO quick with learning it so we had to introduce the clapping action and WOW – the children have been practising all week and shown some amazing rhythm!
As the weather has been so amazing, we have also been enjoying spending lots of time outside. We have been playing in the water, acting out lots of stories with our friends and exploring our new P.E equipment.