As we finished off this half term we said goodbye to the butterflies. Some were super ready and flew far away and some needed a little more coaxing but they settled happily in the garden. We also did some planting in the planter outside Nursery to get ready for the summer.
The importance of being a good friend has been covered in both our R.E and our PSHE this week. The children made their own handprints and then made a promise with them, during our circle time, to be a good friend. We have talked about how we can do that and how happy having good friends makes us.
Our Nursery Rhyme this week has been ‘The Wheels on the Bus’. The children have been making up their own verses for it and one of my favourite’s was … We were then very lucky to get some ENORMOUS boxes from Mrs Porter so of course we had to make a bus! The children helped with the painting and made their own lights out of paper plates and brought their own ideas such as making tickets and creating windows for the bus.