What another fantastic week! We returned to school on Tuesday this week after our Bank Holiday weekend and we jumped straight into some more exciting work!
Following on from our excellent illustrations of our own tigers, this week we have shown how well we know the story of ‘The Tiger Who Came To Tea’ by creating our very own story maps. First, we all contributed ideas as a class and create a map altogether, which some children kindly decorated as well. Later in the week, we created our own story maps, each with unique details and features. We can retell key events in a story so well! Next week, we are going to attempt to write some sentences!
Some children extended their interest in the story into CIL, creating some amazing independent book reviews.
In maths, we started the week by making numbers using the tens frame. We learnt that it amounts can be the same, even if they are in different patterns. We all had a go at creating a different pattern for each amount. Later in the week, we were carefully cutting out different pictures, in order to match the number of objects. There has also been some excellent number ordering during CIL, which we are exploring even further next week!
As part of our Science topic, we are learning more about our sense. On our walk to the Library this week, we listened carefully to the different sounds in the environment. When we got to the upper site, we all drew some pictures of the different things we heard. Here are some examples of things we heard outside!
Finally, we learnt about our new focus artist for the half term, Andy Goldsworthy.
We discussed how he uses natural materials to create his art, as well as using a lot of natural colours, such as yellow, green, red and orange. The children went outside and collect their own leaves, which they then created a beautiful piece of artwork from, by rubbing a crayon on the leafs pattern. Here are some of our leaf rubs: