This week we started a new topic in our Religious Education lessons; Birthdays and looking forward to celebrating a very special birthday, Jesus’ birthday! Please upload a photograph of your child’s birthday celebration as soon as possible. Thank you to those that have already done so.
Advent is a time to prepare and this topic is so relevant to us all in Reception as we are also starting to prepare for our Nativity Production! Hopefully, all of you have received a letter outlining the part that your child has been allocated and the costume that will be needed. We have many outfits in school, so many of the clothing items are for ‘under’ garments. If you have any questions or want to discuss this further, please do not hesitate to ask your child’s class teacher.
Next Friday 26th November is when Ark Farm will be with us all day, sharing many of the creatures that actually feature in the Nativity. The children all have an allocated slot with the animals in which they will learn how to care for them and will be able to pet them, if they wish. We shall also be using this opportunity to film the children singing some of the Nativity songs. So please remember to send in your child/ren’s Christmas Jumper by Friday, in a named carrier bag.
Warm regards from EYFS.