Hertfordshire’s SEND Local Offer
The Local Offer sets out the information, support, services and activities that are available in the local area for families, children and young people aged 0-25 with SEND.
Spring Term 2025 Groups Family Lives
DSPL7 Parenting Support Spring term 2025 (1)
Supporting Links Course Brochure Spring 25
Supporting Links Referral form 2024 (SL169) (1)
HTPS Bringing up confident ADHD ASD children
SEND News | ||
keeping you up-to-date with hertfordshire’s send information |
St Albans ASC/SEND coffee mornings
DSPL7 & Vista SEND Coffee mornings flyer (5).pdf (1)
EBSA coffee mornings flyer 24-25
BeeZee Bodies
An organisation funded by Hertfordshire County Council that runs free healthy lifestyle and weight management programmes for families, and we are soon to start delivering our 12-week programme in your area!
24-2487 – Beezee Families 121 support poster
24-2754-Schools Workshops poster (1)
Family Service Centre
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
For more information, please visit The National Autistic Society or the Autism Links
Lego Club for children with ASD/SEND – This lego club, for children with ASD or SEND (do not need to have a diagnosis to attend) runs monthly from 12-2pm at Fleetville Community Centre. For further information please search for ‘Lego Club for children with Autism / Special Needs’ on facebook or call Gaye on 07948 621978.
ADD-vance was set up in Hertfordshire in 1996. They provide training, advice and support for the families of children affected by ADHD and/or Autism and the professionals involved in their care. Add-vance
Space Support Group
Space is a Hertfordshire based charity supporting parent/carers of children and young people on the Autistic Spectrum, with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or a related condition. Space
The Autism Education Trust
The purpose the Autism Education Trust is to improve the education of children and young people with autism.
Down’s Syndrome
For more information please visit the Down’s Syndrome website, or see the documents below.
Your questions answered leaflet
Did you know…leaflet
Specific Learning Difficulties Advice Line
01442 453655 for a ‘quick queries’ advice line for schools, parents and carers
SpLD school telephone helpline
Educational Psychology Service (EPS)
Contactline poster COVID19
If you would like to discuss an issue or query about a child or young person’s development, learning or emotional wellbeing, or if you just want to find out more about the way we work, please call.
Contact your local Educational Psychology Team for further details of local EP consultations: 01442 453 904 or 01442 453 779
Delivering Special Provision Locally (DSPL)
DSPL is a Hertfordshire-wide partnership approach where parents, carers, staff in early years settings and schools, further education colleges, local authority officers and representatives from other agencies, work together as part of an Area Group, to ensure that there is a range of provision and support services available in their local community. dspl7.org.uk
If your child has additional needs you can register them on the Hertfordshire Additional Needs Database (HAND). This is a free service and you will be issued with a membership card. This card can be used in getting assistance in many situations. You will also receive a termly newsletter.
You can join HAND online or call 01992 556984. HAND
Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS)
The Information Advice and Support Service provide a free, confidential and impartial service to parents and carers of children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and to children and young people (up to 25 years) with SEND. SENDIASS
Kids Hertfordshire HUBs
The HUBs offers information and support to any parent or carer of a child aged 0-19 with any disability or additional need living in Hertfordshire.
Kids Hertfordshire HUBs
The Family Service Directory
The Families First Portal – This offers friendly, impartial information and guidance on a full range of childcare, children’s services and resources across Hertfordshire.
Keystone is a forward-looking organisation providing a range of workshops and talks designed to give parents and carers the tools to help children reach their full potential.
St Albans Plus Schools Partnership
St Albans Plus Schools Partnership (including Vista) support their children, young people and families across the district. Vista St Albans is an organisation that works with children, young people and families. They provide access to emotional wellbeing and early intervention to support families through difficult times. St Albans Plus
Families in Focus
Families in Focus provides parenting courses that support parents, grandparents and adoptive parents in their local community to bring harmony, balance and enjoyment to family life. Families in Focus
Calm Jar
Calming an Anxious Child
Resources for Parents on Anxiety
Speech and Language Links
The Speech and Language team have sent out links to a website which has excellent information on communication and language.
See a range of leaflets, available in 17 languages
This leaflet is specifically about children with EAL
Stages of development
SALT (Speech & Language Therapy)
The Children’s Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) service offers a child and family centred approach to support children and young people with speech, language, communication, eating and drinking difficulties in Hertfordshire and West Essex.
Links is an Alternative Provision Academy, supporting pupils from 3 – 17 yrs in partnership with schools and nurseries. Their core aim is to promote integration, inclusion and education of pupils through individually focused learning programmes. They support children to know their strengths and develop both strategies to overcome difficulties and positive relationships to equip them for the future. Links’ core aim is to promote integration, inclusion and education of students/pupils through individually focused learning programmes in partnership with schools, parents/carers and other agencies.
Windermere Outreach Service
Windermere Outreach Service (previously the SpLD Base) provides an outreach service to support pupils with specific learning difficulties in English and Maths, eg Dyslexia. One of ten SpLD Bases in Hertfordshire, the Windermere Base is part of HCC’s outreach provision.
The Dyscalculia Centre
The Dyscalculia Centre hase a series of books that are used by thousands of teachers, assistant teachers, parents, and friends to help people who have dyscalculia.
Directory of Parenting Courses
Hertfordshire County Council have developed a directory of parenting courses, which is available on the website a www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/parentingsupport. The parenting directory lists all courses that are available to parents/carers in Hertfordshire and cover a range of topics including: • parenting a child with additional needs • healthy relationships healthy baby programme • confident fathers programme • caring dads • understanding teens. You are able to view the courses you are interested in by district, type of course and also see if there are any costs involved.
The Wellbeing Service
The Wellbeing Service is an NHS service based in Hertfordshire, offering practical support and talking therapies to adults from 16 years onwards. The service aims to support adults towards achieving better psychological health and well-being.
Family Lives
Family Lives is a charity to support families 24 hours a day, seven days a week through their free helpline. You can call about any family issue, big or small. You can also email or chat online with one of their parent support workers. They also run face-to-groups throughout England and work in schools, GP surgeries and prisons. Helpline – 0808 800 2222