Please be reminded of the times for drop off and pick up.
Nursery: Drop off 8.45am—8.55am and Pick up— 3.15pm (Alban Way Entrance)
Reception: Drop off 8.45am—8.55am and Pick up 3.05pm (Camp Rd)
Yrs 1 & 2: Drop off 8.45am—8.55am and Pick up—3.10pm (Vanda Crescent)
Year 3: Drop off 8.45am—8.55am and Pick up—3.20pm (Outside Year 3 classrooms)
Year 4: Drop off 8.45am—9.00am and Pick up—3.20pm (Back playground via Alban Way)
Yrs 5 & 6: Drop off 8.45am—9.00am and Pick up—3.20pm (Camp Road/ Main Entrance)
Lower site
Nursery, Reception and Key Stage 1 (years 1 and 2) have slightly different start and finish times to allow parents and carers to collect siblings from different year groups. Details on the school day for each year group can be found on the Year Groups pages.
Upper site
On arrival at the school,children in year 3 should enter the school at 8.45 a.m via their classroom external doors (closest entrance is the Alban Way). The children in year 5 and year 6 should enter the school via their classroom external doors (closest entrances are on Camp Road/ the main entrance on Cecil Road). The children in year 4 should enter the school via the external doors next to the library (closest entrance is the Alban Way).
Gates will be open from 8.45 am until 8.55am. It is unnecessary for adults to accompany their children to their classrooms. As the children enter the classroom they should put their coat & their bag in their locker and their lunch box in the storage provided.
All children should be in their classrooms by 8.55am when the school day begins.
Registration: 8.55am
Children who arrive after close of register must report to the school office; their name will be recorded in the late book and recorded in the electronic register
Break time: 10.30 am – 10.45 am
Lunchtime: 12 – 1 pm
End of day: 3.20pm