What an amazing half term the children have had in Autumn 1. We are so excited to welcome the children back in Autumn 2 to our new topic, ‘Let’s Celebrate’, which will be filled with lots of lovely learning about celebrations, light and dark, night and day, nocturnal animals, space and much much more.
This week in RE, we have been learning about our new topic ‘Welcome’, which will be exploring how we are welcomed into the Church and all about our own baptisms. This week, we decorated a banner to welcome everyone to our classroom. In our Bible Stories lesson, we have moved onto the story of Noah’s Ark. The children loved listening to the story, creating their own painting to represent the story and playing role-play with our new Noah’s Ark small world toys. There’s been lots of lovely collaborative play!
In PSHE, the children learnt about ‘Our Rights’. They learnt about their rights to food, drink, health, sleep, exercise and education. Learning about Rights and Responsibilities is part of Catholic Social Teaching. We all have these basic rights and it is very important that everyone receives these rights so that we can live a safe and happy life as God means us to.