Year 6 have been working hard for their SATs preparation all through the year but thankfully there is always time for some fun and for some spiritual reflections as well.
As part of World Book Day, Year 6 took part in a debate based on their favourite characters. Each child chose their favourite character and prepared a speech explaining why it was, “The Ultimate Character Champion”! They then took turns to “battle” – or debate – to decide whose character was best. They considered how to present their character using persuasive language and spoke clearly and eloquently. It was a tough fight but the overall winner was….. Paddington! Our thanks to The National Literacy Trust for providing the inspiration for this lesson.
Later that day, the Book Champions visited the children on the upper and lower site to read with them. They were very well received and it was enjoyed by all. I look forward to our Book Champions supporting more children with their reading in the coming months.
Finally, on Friday the Year 6 children were lucky enough to visit the Life Exhibition held at Holy Trinity church in Frogmore. In a wonderful session combining talks, visuals and the use of technology, the children explored the life of Jesus Christ and considered why we believe He is so special.
Best wishes to all our families,
The Year 6 Team