This week, our Pupil Chaplaincy team were lucky enough to meet up online with the Pupil Chaplaincy Team at St Vincent’s Catholic Primary School in Marylebone. Miss Coleman, our Executive Head, was able to organise the online meeting so that we could talk to each other about our roles and learn more about what each school is like. It was interesting to hear how at St Vincent’s, the Pupil Chaplaincy Team give up many of their breaktimes to carry out activities like prayers, weaving and colouring in their prayer garden on the rooftop playground! We also enjoyed hearing about some of the different assemblies and liturgies which the St Vincent’s team have led, including their Marian Procession, when they walked to their church with statues of Mary, and performed a liturgical dance in church. We told St Vincent’s about our prayer workshop and our Catholic Social Teaching assemblies, while they explained that they help to organise a special assembly at the end of each R.E. topic to share their work. This is a good idea, and we want to try this in St Alban & St Stephen.
We found that, despite our very different schools, we have lots of things in common. We all love being a part of the Pupil Chaplaincy Team and sharing our faith with others. We also find it hard sometimes to give up our breaktimes, though it is always worthwhile to be able to help others!