Year 2 have really enjoyed learning about life in the past this half term. We began by learning about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot. We listened carefully to a video clip all about Guy Fawkes and took notes. We then used our notes to write about his life. This week we have started to learn about ‘The Great Fire of London’. We found out about how the fire began and pretended to be journalists from the year 1666!
We have been learning about eating a healthy diet in our Science work. We designed our own wraps, making sure that we chose both protein and vegetables as a healthy filling. We were very excited to make and eat our wraps this week. They were delicious!
We continued to find out about the Hindu festival of Divali. We created our own designs for symmetrical Rangoli patterns. We then used coloured rice to create a Rangoli pattern using our designs.