Our newly appointed Year 5 Prayer Leaders met with Father Michael this week to receive training and instruction about prayer. This is what they learnt about prayer.
“Prayer is like having a friendship with somebody because when you have a friendship with God you are saying things to Him as you would to your friend. Remember that you are God’s child and He is your Father. When you pray, remember to show humility to God.”
Father Michael also brought some special Rosary beads and helped the Prayer Leaders to understand more about how praying the Rosary can help us. In October, the Prayer Leaders will be bringing new Rosary beads to every class for their prayer table and showing them how to pray the Rosary.
This year, we hope that our Prayer Leaders can lead everyone in prayer and help our school community to realise the powerful effect that prayer has on our lives. We will also help everyone across the school to understand important prayers better, like the Rosary.