We have got off to a great start with our new topic, Once Upon a Time, in Early Years.
In Nursery, the children have been immersing themselves in the traditional story of The Gingerbread Man. The children loved creating their own gingerbread biscuits. The skills the children were developing were carried on into their continuous provision using the playdough and the over in the home corner. The cooking has been a strong topic of conversation among the children this week and we hope they continue their enthusiasm for cooking when we make Chinese stir-fry next week. We also introduced PE into the nursery timetable this week. It has been so much fun going over to the school hall and removing our own shoes and socks and running, jumping and playing ‘The bean Game’ (do ask your child for more details).
In the Reception classes, we have been reading The Little Red Hen. We discussed the language of traditional stories, usually starting with the phrase, Once upon a time …
The children have been re-enacting the story using puppets and small world characters and have retold the story to each other, using a story map. The children have also been using their phonics to spell the names of the characters from the story.
In Maths we have been classifying. We have been deciding how to classify objects, shapes, animals and each other using different criteria.
All children in Reception have been allocated two home reading books during this week. Please continue to support your child at home with reading these books and please make a comment in the orange Home Link book. Books will be changed once a week, but your child will read at other times with the Class Teacher. Hopefully, Library books will be coming home with your child next Wednesday.
We have now started our Celebration topic in RE. The children have thought carefully about how we celebrate and how these celebrations are supported in our Church and our faith. There are many ways that you can support your child with understanding this topic; there are many ideas on this half terms Home Learning, which will be shared separately. A copy is also displayed on the Early Years Noticeboard.
Thank you for your continued support. We wish you all a restful weekend.