This week we have opened our investigation area inside. The children have been busy collecting lots of different things to put in our area such as leaves, conkers, sticks and acorns. They have been busy using their fine motor skills picking up the conkers with the tweezers and using their math skills to count them too. They have been busy examining everything with the magnifying glass to get a closer look! The children have also been using their senses in the area by feeling the leaves and the pine cones. We have been really enjoying our Autumn investigation area and are learning a lots about this season. Thank you to everyone that brought in items from their walk to contribute to the investigation area. It has all been put to great use!!
The children have been busy in the mark making area too. They have been busy using their fine motor skills in the tuff trays and writing on the table making lots of marks. The children have been preparing lots of letters and notes for the post box and Mr Hodgson kindly takes it at the end of the week to deliver all our mark making post notes.
We have continued to look at Baptism this week and celebrating the importance of belonging to a family. Thank you to all those families that have already uploaded a Baptism photograph, the children love sharing them.
We hope you all have a lovely half term break and some well-deserved rest after a busy first term. We look forward to seeing you all again in November!
If you would like to do any optional home learning over half term, please choose some activities below and upload them to Tapestry!!