Our week began with our Queen’s State funeral and a public holiday for us all.
It was wonderful to hear the children sharing what they did with their families to mark this occasion.
This week in RE we have be learning about how we are all unique and special and that God has made us all. The children each decorated a heart and wrote there name on it to remind themselves of this. We also learnt the story of Noah’s Ark.
The children are continuing to explore our topic, Myself. We have used mirrors to look carefully at ourselves and our work partners, as well as using play dough to recreate our features and drawing our faces.
In Phonics the children have done a great job learning and writing some new phonemes- s, a, and t. It would be great if you could practice these with your children at home to secure this new learning.
In Maths this week, we have been counting to 20. The children have also been exploring the number 5 and seeing how objects can be arranged to show 5.
We had our first School Library session this week and the children enjoyed exploring our library and choosing their own book to borrow. Remember, these books need to be back in school to return and swap for a new book next Wednesday.
Well done for another great week.
We look forward to seeing you all next week.
The Reception Team.