This week in Year 1, we have been busy fitting in lots of work around our exciting rehearsals for our Curriculum Assembly next Friday 27th January. We can’t wait to show you some of our lovely work and sing some songs.
This week in RE, Year 1 have been talking about the different parts of a church, exploring what their purpose is and what they represent. We have also been talking about the significance of Jesus. We learnt about who Jesus was and why he is so important.
In topic, we have been learning about the animals that we would find in different parts of the world. We discussed how animals have adapted to live in cold and hot environments.
In Art, we have moved on from primary and secondary colours, and are now learning how how we make different tints, such as pink and baby blue. We mixed white with different primary colours to make different tints.
In Maths, we have been sequencing events, such as the days of the week and months of the year. The children each chose a month and hide around the classroom. We then put them back into the correct order.
With Mrs Rees this week, we were talking about what our dreams and goals are. We learnt that those dreams will not be achieved without taking the necessarily ‘stepping stones’ towards achieving it. It was lovely to hear the children’s different dreams and what they are going to do to get there. We modelled this by making a jam sandwich, carefully thinking about each step it takes to make one, emphasising that steps can not be skipped or rushed.
In Science, we have been learning about materials. We learnt the difference between an object and the materials used to make an object. We labelled different objects, and then drew our own objects and labelled the materials used to create them.