This term has been filled with lots of excitement and experiences. We have finally finished the autumn term with a brilliant Nativity. KS1 put on three performances of their Christmas play ‘The Inn Crowd’, which was a wonderful and unique rendition of the Nativity Story.
The stage transformed into B E T H L E H E M. The children worked incredibly hard over the last few weeks and all of the rehearsals have certainly paid off! The Year 2 children delivered their lines with confidence and expression. The singing and dancing was performed beautifully by all the Year 1 and 2 children. We would like to thank everyone that helped to make this such a special performance. KS1 teachers and teaching assistants have been working tirelessly over the past few weeks to bring this play to life. From creating a backdrop for the stage, to making props, organising costumes, helping the children learn their lines and getting the children ready to perform 7 songs with actions. We are very proud of all the children and feel it was such a special occasion to bring the nativity to life this year for all of the parents, carers and families! Thank you also to Mrs Flatt and the choir that prepared and performed ‘ What Christmas means to me’ at the end of our Nativity. The children were amazing! I am sure we can all agree they have made us all very proud and we are all well and truly in the Christmas Spirit now.
As we wind down towards Christmas, we would also like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and hope you all enjoy the festive holidays for a well earned break