Nursery Admissions 2025-2026
Families with a child who will be three years old by 1st September 2025 are invited to apply for a Nursery place for admission in September 2025.
Application Procedures and Timetable
The deadline for Nursery applications has now passed. You can still apply but your application will be treated as late.
Applications for September 2025 open on Friday 1st November 2024 and are made directly to the school. Applicants are requested to complete our Nursery application form, and (if applicable) obtain a Certificate of Catholic Practice (CCP). These should be returned together with all supporting documentation to Mrs K. Purvey, Office Manager, St Alban & St Stephen Catholic Primary School & Nursery, Vanda Crescent, St Albans, AL15EX at St Alban & St Stephen Catholic Primary School, by Friday 21st February 2025.
We offer a combination of 15 and 30 hour provision depending on your child’s needs.
Please complete the Nursery Application Form and Options Form which are available to download below or from the School office
These forms should be returned to the school office with a copy of your child’s baptismal certificate and a Certificate of Catholic Practice, if these are applicable. We also require a proof of address (a utility or council tax bill or tenancy agreement dated within the last 3 months). The Certificate of Catholic Practice is available from the church where you usually worship.
Nursery Application form 2025-2026
Nursery Options Form 2025-2026
Nursery Admissions Policy 2025-2026
Nursery Summary of Charges 2025-2026
Please see the list of our Tours and open morning/evening dates here
Certificates of Catholic Practice
For those parents and guardians who need to obtain a certificate of Catholic Practice to accompany their child’s application for a school or nursery place they will need to be signed by Fr Michael.