What another wonderful week of learning we have had in Reception this week.
It started off with so many of the children visiting the Book Fayre and sharing the books that they had purchased. We really encourage the Love of Reading.
We linked our learning to Handa’s Surprise for a second week as the children really wanted to learn about African Animals. We have looked at which animals we would discover in Africa and learnt some facts about them, as well as thinking of words that world describe their appearance. We did some amazing writing for our chosen animal and beautiful illustrations. We also sorted the animals into those that we may see in Africa and those that we would not. We also created some amazing models of African animals, using construction.
In Phonics, the children have continued learning the Phase 3 sounds. This week we even learnt a trigraph and the children had so much fun playing a game which required them to take turns throwing the dice and reading the words containing the ‘ear’ trigraph. The children have learnt so much this week. Everyone was a winner!
In Maths this week, we have continued learning about collecting data, focusing on pictograms. Together, we recorded our favourite African animals and discussed the results. The children used fantastic mathematical language, such as ‘more’, ‘less’ and ‘same’.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Caramelo and Mr Miller