Welcome back!
The children have been so excited to share their Christmas Holiday news with each other this week.
In RE we enjoyed learning about the Epiphany of the Lord and we created some beautiful pictures using watercolours and cut-out silhouettes of the three Wise Men.
The children have also enjoyed our new topic in Catholic Social Teaching, Solidarity and Peace. We thought very hard about how we could be a Peacemaker in our classroom and community. The outcomes were beautiful.
In Maths we have been learning and using the language of measuring, for weight, length and height.
In English we have started a new book, Meerkat Mail, which is a very special story about a Meerkat that realises that home is a very special place. The main character in the story travels the world and experiences many different climates and environments. This compliments our new Geography topic, which is entitled Poles Apart. We shall be studying hot and cold climates and the animals that live in these habitats.
Next week, the forecast is for it to be even colder than this week. Please can you remember to give your child gloves and a hat and maybe a scarf everyday, clearly labelled with their name, so that they can enjoy their playtimes. Wishing all our families a restful and happy weekend.