On Thursday, The Early Years Team welcomed Parents to share their talents and ideas for supporting children with English as an additional language.
We had a lovely Coffee Morning chatting about the ways Early Years support children with English as an additional language, whether it be welcoming them into class in their home language, or labelling the classroom with dual language signs, or celebrating festivals during the school year, with crafts and music.
Mrs. Keaty, our School Librarian, joined us and shared a selection of dual-language books that we currently have in our School Library. This is something that Mrs. Keaty wants to build on during this coming year, so that we can provide more diversity and enjoyment in our school.
Mrs. Smith, our Assistant Head and SenCo lead, also joined us and explained how at SSAS we support families with English as an additional language.
The parents that attended were full of enthusiasm and many shared some fantastic ideas with us. Some also offered to come into school to share a story, sing a folk song, share some cultural food or speak about a festival.
If you think you could share a traditional story in class or in our School Library or share a particular talent with the children in SSAS, please do email the School Office and we can get in touch with you to arrange a convenient time and date:
Many thanks to those parents who attended. You really have made a difference to the children in SSAS.
With kind regards, Mrs. Caramelo – EYFS Phase Lead & Reception Teacher.