St Peter and St Paul House Celebration
On Monday, half of the year group celebrated their House’s Saint at the combined House Celebrations. The children had a short Mass with Father Andrew and enjoyed a delicious cookie treat afterwards!
E-Safety Assembly
In light of e-safety concerns raised from actions taken outside of school, but which affect the children within our classrooms, Ms Hackett, Mrs Smith and Mr Keane gave an e-Safety assembly to Year 6 on Wednesday afternoon. The children were reminded of the age limits of popular social media platforms. They also watched a video of children sharing their experiences of problems encountered online due to social media.
As a reminder, under no circumstances should mobile phones be switched on or used whilst on school grounds. If we find this to be the case, the phone may be confiscated by a member of staff until a parent is able to come in and pick it up. This is for the safety of all members of our school community.
Dress Rehearsal to KS2
The children have been practising in costume and with props all week, and on Friday afternoon they had their first of two dress rehearsals, this one being performed to younger siblings in Years 3-5. From the actors, to the props-organisers, to the sound and lighting crew, the children did a truly fantastic job and there was much positive feedback from staff and children alike. They are now more than ready to perform at next week’s dress rehearsal to KS1, and to parents on Monday and Wednesday evening.
- IMPORTANT: Please ensure ALL PROPS AND COSTUMES are in school next Monday morning. Please can children come to school already dressed in their costumes and with their makeup applied if they plan to do this at home.
- Please return any outstanding library books by next Monday 10th July.
- Allocated tickets for Monday only have been sent home today. Wednesday evening’s performance tickets will be sent home next Monday.
- We estimate the performance to last around 1 hour 45 mins including a brief interval for refreshments.
Have a lovely weekend! 🌞
The Year 6 Team