We were so excited to welcome the Reception children back to school this week!! We began the week by sharing all the amazing things we have been up to during the Easter Holidays. This half term, our new topic is ‘Down In The Garden’. We are going to be learning all about minibeasts, flowers, growing, life-cycles and any interests the children share.
At the start of the week, we shared ideas about things we would like to learn about. These inspired 2 new and exciting role play area; A Garden Centre & Cafe in Class RM and a Veterinary Centre in Class RC. The children have been playing wonderfully together in these areas and have been taking on different roles and acting out different scenarios.
The first story that we will be exploring deeper this half term is ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. The children have been re-enacting the story using small world toys. We also made a story map all together as a class, which some children then decided to extend into their own continuous provision.
In Maths, we have been learning about ordering numbers from 0-10. The focus has been recognising the importance of 0 in the order, as this can sometimes create misconceptions. The children worked together to build towers to represent each number in the order and some beautiful mathematical language was being used, such as ‘one more’, ‘one less’.