Cinquain poems
We read the book Where the Poppies Now Grow, and looked at various poems relating to WWI, focussing on cinquain poems. The children worked as a group to identify the features and write a poem.
Some of our poems are:
Blood Spill
Wars still raging
Soldiers still battling
Stark trenches filled with squelching mud
Come Home
Muddy trenches
Thousands of soldiers dead
Soldiers missing all their loved ones
World War
Perished, dead land
Brutal firing of guns
Bright, bombing explosions of shells
Today, there’s been a real Christmassy feel around school as we lit the lights on our Christmas tree. We have started decorating our class doors related to Narnia from our English book, The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.
Parent Consultations
Thank you to all the parents/carers we met on Wednesday during Parent Consultations. It was lovely to meet and talk with you all!
Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Smith and Ms Noonan