This week, we have introduced Christian meditation across the school. During our Catholic Schools Inspection last year, one of our recommendations was to implement a range of ways of praying across the school including meditation and silence. The Catholic faith has an ancient tradition of meditation, and many saints such as St Francis of Assisi and St Teresa of Avila used meditation to deepen their relationship with God. Meditation has also been shown to reduce stress levels, calm anxiety and improve our ability to focus.
Today in our class assembly, we taught the children how to do Christian meditation and had our first session. Afterwards, some of the children told us what they thought:
“I really liked it and after it I felt quite calm. It felt nice for my body.”
“It was good because our class was very calm and settled. It was really nice and relaxing to have some quiet time and to be close to God.”
“Our teacher went through how to do it. They said it was OK if we didn’t enjoy it as it was the first time and we have to learn how to meditate and practise it. I found it hard to stay still.”
“I think it was really, really good because it was nice and calming for your mind. It was easy for me to stay still because I could close my eyes and then I didn’t feel too energetic.”
You can find out more about Christian meditation here:
You can see the structure of our Christian meditation here:
Why not try out a short 2-minute Christian meditation with your family at home? Download the presentation and click on the speaker on slide 4 to hear the meditation.