This week the children in Year 6 have been sitting their mock SATs. We have been hugely impressed by their determination – a school value. Each day the children have come in quietly and settled…
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Bending Light! Science Week in Year 6
Year 6 have enjoyed this week’s activities which have all been related to Science. On Wednesday they enjoyed taking part in the science dome where they learnt about evolution and natural selection. This will prepare…
Read MoreReading and Reflection in Year 6
Year 6 have been working hard for their SATs preparation all through the year but thankfully there is always time for some fun and for some spiritual reflections as well. As part of World Book…
Read MoreWelcome back Year 6
Spring term part 2 has started off in whirlwind of exciting activities in Year 6. As part of our World Book Day celebrations we welcomed author and comedian, James Campbell, to our school. James visited…
Read MoreYear 6 Count!
Year 6 have been working hard this week learning how to be independent learners. In Science, the children posed their own questions based around exercise and heart rate. They worked in groups or independently to…
Read MoreHeart-thumping Action in Year 6
This week in Year 6, the children were lucky enough to take part in a First Aid course. They learnt about the essential items to keep in a First Aid kit and what to do…
Read MoreOn the hunt with Year 6
Year 6 have been working hard at their writing this week in creating their own thrilling stories based on our class book, “Cogheart”. To put themselves right in the centre of the action, the children…
Read MoreTag Rugby in Year 6
Year 6 have been learning about rugby this term learning how to work together as a team using strategies to score tries and support each other. The children have shown great enthusiasm for the sport…
Read MoreWelcome Back Year 6
We were delighted to welcome our Y6 children back this week and despite the bitterly cold weather they have started the year with warmth and enthusiasm! We celebrated Epiphany through our Mark Ten assemblies and…
Read MoreMerry Christmas from Year 6
We wish all our families Merry Christmas and happy New Year!
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