As we continue our journey through Lent, Year 3 have been learning about the story of Easter. This week, we focused on the events of Holy Week, brining some of them to life through role-play….
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Science Week in Year 3
Science Week As part of Science Week, on Tuesday we had the pleasure of welcoming Mr. Offer, a geologist, who shared fascinating insights into his work. He explained that rocks can tell stories if you…
Read MoreAsh Wednesday and World Book Day in Year 3
This week, we began our journey through Lent. We took part in a special Ash Wednesday Mass and received ash crosses on our foreheads. We also made our Lenten promises, thinking about how we can…
Read MoreBusy week in Year 4
This week Year 4 had a visit from Watford FC Community Sports and Education Trust to deliver a PE lesson for Year 4. The children had an energetic and exciting time where they learnt about …
Read MoreYear 3’s Moving Monsters
This half term, Year 3 put their science and design skills to the test with an exciting Moving Monsters project. Combining Design & Technology with Science, the children explored how air can be used to…
Read MoreNumber Day in Year 3!
The children had a fantastic ‘mathsy morning’ during our NSPCC Number Day. We talked about where we use numbers in real life, and then read the book 365 penguins. Afterwards, the children completed a task…
Read MoreIt’s been an electrifying week in Year 4!
Year 4 have been very busy learning about electrical circuits, first aid and and finally finishing their 3D pieces of modroc artwork inspired by the artist Nicole Dyer. The children excitedly used wires, bulbs and…
Read MoreCelebrating Learning in Year 3
This week has been a very busy one for Year 3 as they have been rehearsing for their curriculum assembly. The children have been learning their lines and new songs, showcasing everything they have learnt…
Read MoreWellbeing Week in Year 3
This week, children have enjoyed coming to school in their own clothes on Monday, and discussing the different emotions they experience. Yesterday, we also looked at digital wellbeing and created some tips for how to…
Read MoreYear 3’s Trip to Ancient Egypt
On Wednesday, 15th January, Year 3 stepped back in time more than 5000 years to explore the fascinating world of Ancient Egypt. Dressed in traditional robes, colourful crowns and decorative collars, the children spent the…
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