This week we have opened our investigation area inside. The children have been busy collecting lots of different things to put in our area such as leaves, conkers, sticks and acorns. They have been busy…
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Reception Week 7 – A Fantastic End To Autumn 1!
Wow! What an amazing first half term we have had in Reception. We all can’t believe how fast it has gone! We are blown away by how well the children have transitioned into their new…
Read MoreWeek 6 Reception – Watercolour Painting, Labelling Elephants and Jailer And The Thief!
This week we have been learning about elephants. We have been using our Phonics knowledge to label the different parts of the elephant’s bodies and we have learnt how they move and how they use…
Read MoreWeek 6 Nursery – Opening Day For The Ice Cream Parlour and Exploring Elmer!
This week we were very excited to open our new ice-cream parlour in nursery. The children have been busy working in the shop preparing and selling the ice-cream, taking orders, managing the till and ensuring…
Read MoreA musical mix!
There has been lots going on in music over the last 2 weeks across the school. Last week, Year 6 listened to the finale from Stravinsky’s Firebird suite. Stravinsky’s piece is based on a Russian…
Read MoreBall Skills
This week in Year 2 we have been performing a range of throwing and catching skills and learning how to control the ball. The children had to make simple decisions of when and where to…
Read MoreWeek 5 in Nursery – Using Our Listening Ears!
This week we started Phase 1 of phonics and we were learning all about environmental sounds. The children were excellent at listening to sounds and guessing what they could hear. They put on their best…
Read MoreWeek 5 in Reception!
The children are fully settled into Reception now and are really amazing us with their hard work and attention during carpet times and during CIL. To begin our week, we introduced our new topic ‘Baptism’…
Read MoreOur week in Year 2
This week has been a busy one! We have been reading a variety of poems as part of National Poetry week. We’re going to continue next week by writing some of our own as a…
Read MoreNational Poetry Day – La journee de la poesie
On Wednesday, we celebrated National Poetry Day in class with Year 4 and Year 6 by reading a French poem, Les Jours et Les Couleurs. We used our new class dictionaries to find the meaning…
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