This week in Reception we have started looking at our new topic, Poles Apart. We have already found out lots of information about the animals that live in the Polar regions. Here is some of…
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Welcome to 2025: Settling In, New Adventures, and Exciting Learning!
Welcome to 2025: Settling In, New Adventures, and Exciting Learning! After a lovely and festive Christmas break, we’re so excited to welcome everyone back to nursery for a brand-new year! The children have been sharing…
Read MoreYear 1 – DRUMBA fitness and so much more …
We have absolutely loved our new PE equipment, the DRUMBA exercise drums. Both Year 1 classes loved the routines and followed the instructions so well. Apart from getting fit, the DRUMBA exercise routines teaches hand/eye…
Read MoreTag Rugby in Year 6
Year 6 have been learning about rugby this term learning how to work together as a team using strategies to score tries and support each other. The children have shown great enthusiasm for the sport…
Read More1st week of Spring Term in Year 3
Year 3 had a wonderful start to our 4-day first week back. In history, the children started their new topic of the Ancient Egyptians, and designed collars and wrote their name in hieroglyphics on cartouches…
Read MoreThis week in Year 5!
Welcome back! We hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year. This week, Year 5 had the opportunity to take part in an educational race equality and anti racism workshop. We learnt about…
Read MoreA great start to the new year in Year 4
At the beginning of the week, the children had the opportunity to participate in an Anti-Racism workshop. They took part in a variety of role-play activities and thought about how important…
Read MoreA Fantastic Start to the New Year!
Happy New Year to all the Year 2 families! It’s been a pleasure seeing everyone this week as we dove straight back into our learning. Today, we were incredibly lucky to take part in the…
Read MoreWelcome Back Year 6
We were delighted to welcome our Y6 children back this week and despite the bitterly cold weather they have started the year with warmth and enthusiasm! We celebrated Epiphany through our Mark Ten assemblies and…
Read MoreChristian Meditation
This week, we have introduced Christian meditation across the school. During our Catholic Schools Inspection last year, one of our recommendations was to implement a range of ways of praying across the school including meditation…
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