Year 2 had such an exciting trip to London Yesterday. First they travelled by coach to The Royal Mews. While 2C visited the Mews, 2D went to the front of Buckingham Palace. We walked into…
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Meet the Sports Leaders
On Friday our new Sports Ambassadors and Eco Warriors took part in a Leadership training day at the University of Hertfordshire. This opportunity as part of the School Games, is a day to develop them…
Read MoreHistory and Art in Year 5!
Year 5 have enjoyed immersing themselves this term – both in the swimming pool and in all things Greek! The children have enjoyed exploring Greek myths and Ancient Greek history. With this in mind we…
Read MoreYear 5 Pupil Chaplains lead our Harvest Festival
Our Year 5 Pupil Chaplains led a lovely Harvest Festival Celebration for Upper and Lower School. We had great fun singing catchy Harvest songs like ‘Cauliflowers Fluffy’ and ‘Harvest Samba’ together and learnt more about…
Read MoreOur new Prayer Leaders meet Father Michael
Our newly appointed Year 5 Prayer Leaders met with Father Michael this week to receive training and instruction about prayer. This is what they learnt about prayer. “Prayer is like having a friendship with somebody…
Read MoreReporting on Romans
This week, Year 4 have been writing non-chronological reports showing their knowledge of the Romans, following our recent visit to Verulamium. We identified key vocabulary in texts, taking notes and paraphrasing into our own words….
Read MoreHarvest Festival Assembly Celebration
We have loved practising our Harvest songs and enjoyed going to the Harvest assembly this week. Thank you to everyone for bringing in your contributions for The St. Albans Food bank and the Women’s Refuge….
Read MoreTigers, Mysteries and Andy Goldsworthy!! (Year 1)
Over the past three weeks in Year 1, the children have been exploring the story ‘The Tiger Who Came To Tea’. We have completed some amazing activities, such as decorating our own tigers and labelling…
Read MoreDay 4 Kingswood – Year 6
We woke up again to clear blue skies despite predictions of rain. After another full English breakfast, we started our morning activities: half the year group made their way down to the beach to bodyboard,…
Read MoreKingswood Day 3 – Year 6
After another delicious cooked breakfast, the day started with two groups braving the bracing weather to go bodyboarding. They put on their wetsuits, grabbed a board and hiked down to the beach. The sun was…
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