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🎶Rhythm and Pulse in Year 2
Year 2 children have been learning about the difference between rhythm and pulse. This week, the children have been using boomwhackers to compose their own music. We have been using simple rhythm notation to create…
Read MoreShaping Up in Year 6
Maths This week, the children had the chance to draw and construct nets for various 3D shapes. They had fun testing different nets to see if they would fold into a 3D shape, and they…
Read MoreArt in the style of Ancient Egypt
As part of our history studies we have been creating art in the style of the Ancient Egyptians and finding out about their culture, religion and society. We have made figureheads which are similar to…
Read MoreYear 5 making us proud at the O2!
On Friday, some of the children in Year 5 went to the O2 in London to take part in the Young Voices concert. There were around 8,000 children attending in total and it was an…
Read MoreEarly Years Parents’ Coffee Morning – sharing cultural diversity & language
On Thursday, The Early Years Team welcomed Parents to share their talents and ideas for supporting children with English as an additional language. We had a lovely Coffee Morning chatting about the ways Early Years…
Read MoreYear 6
Art Linked to our exciting history topic of Ancient Benin, this week the children enjoyed looking at and evaluating a variety of artwork from the this period, particularly sculptures and objects. They then designed their…
Read MoreChinese New Year!
In Year 2 this week we have been continuing to learn about Hong Kong. We found out that in Hong Kong, Chinese New Year is a very important celebration. People mark the occasion with modern…
Read MoreLife Is Like A Jam Sandwich
This week in Year 1, we have been busy fitting in lots of work around our exciting rehearsals for our Curriculum Assembly next Friday 27th January. We can’t wait to show you some of our…
Read MoreChinese New Year Celebrations and The Little Red Hen comes to Early Years
Despite it being zero degrees, the sun shone for Reception’s first trip to the school Library this week. The children loved choosing a library book and they all carried them back to school, carefully. Nursery…
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