The children came into school refreshed and ready to learn for their final term in Early Years. Our new topic for Summer 1 is: Down in the Garden. We shall be learning all about mini…
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Year 6 wb 28.4.23
Welcome back and happy Summer Term! RE/Art We have started our new RE unit of Pentecost. In our lesson, the children discussed how Jesus’ followers might have felt after his resurrection and during and…
Read MoreYear 5 go into the woods!
An exciting start back this term for Year 5 as we had a visit on Wednesday from the Young Shakespeare Company who gave a performance of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Well, I say they gave…
Read MoreYear 4 have been writing biographies!
This week, Year 4 have been busy finishing their biographies and writing them up neatly for display. They are rightly proud of their work. We have also been designing torches and are looking forward…
Read MoreEaster Excitement in Early Years
The children have had a wonderful time this week, learning about the true Easter story and creating Easter cards, arts and crafts and Easter chocolate nests! We wish to thank all our families for their…
Read MoreMusic Round up – Rising stars!
There has been lots going on over the last few weeks including a chance for our Y5 children to hit the top of the charts with their latest release! In February, they were recorded at…
Read MoreYear 2 Visit to Mountfitchet Castle
Last week we went on a school trip to Mountfitchet castle. We went as part of our topic on “castles”. The weather was wonderful and we had a great day. We explored all the little…
Read MoreExploring air resistance in Year 3
Recently in science we have been exploring air resistance as part of our study of forces. We carried out an investigation where we asked the question: ‘What is the relationship between surface area and air…
Read MoreYear 6 wb 27.3.23
Mock SATs Last week, the children had a taste of what their SATs will feel like, and undertook four days of Mock SATs. We are all proud of the resilience, determination and maturity shown by…
Read MoreWe’re Having Lots Of Fun In Year One!
This week we have been very artistic and have been putting our skills to the test by creating 3D pop up cards. Last week we were fortunate enough to have a visit from our…
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